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Good morning all.Finished with one block going to start with the explanation.
Hi i am looking for an SP for FA/UW
guys am i being too slow??

i can't do more than 40 -50 questions per day..and i am still at my first round of uw..looks like it will end soon...but everyday i go one day behind my is all piling up again...what am i doin wrong..?? i write all the uw in fa has now more pages than it had much info gathered ...will i be able to memorize al that crap written in it...i always used to be a good student in school but feels like im the dumbest of them all...its takin do people do it so quickly with step1?? i feel like i wasted all these years in med school...i study all day ..put in so much time..what do i do now...should i not write these uw explanations??
i feel like a loser right now
@owlcity, when is your exam?

yesterday i did finished those 2 chapters ,,,,,,today starting with female reproductive ....

@usmle2177..thank u so much is study going ??

@owlcity ,,thanks for asking..iam still with physio and i should finish it before 15 of this month ,,

@step1race,,@raw,,@fatemeh @user12 ,,how are you guys ??

this days thread is very active and i hope it remains like that till the end ........

see you
hello everybody,
i was away for few days but tried to complete micro from fa and now started anatomy, the videos are boring i'm tyring to complete it soon. any suggestions:
is kaplan enough for anatomy.

@owlcity and dr-raw u are doing great, initially i used to take long notes of uworld ques but later realised that i wont be ale to revise it so now i only write down few imp points in FA.

@Fatemah are you doing physiology along with videos? don't worry about the guests.....everything would be fine.

good luck
@dr_raw i also feel the same way u do mostly. but uw 1st round takes time. 2nd round should be fast. try to memorize & revise & retain more at this time. & for the notes underline the point in fa & write the quest id no. next to it.

let me tell u how i am doing
for notes from uw to fa ... i i hightlight the point in blue & put a big starmark with black pen for incorrect q & also if for better understanding only i write the educ object in blackpen next to it.
for correct quest i use red pen & put a checkmark . for rare explanations which are easy to understand in uw i write the full explanation . i follow this way so it will easy at the end before exam.

for revisions ... i put a target every week that by weekend i should be thorough in the incorrect quests of the previous subjects i did in uw before ( i revise atleast min 10 quest of a mixture each day so it will be 60 quest by the end of weekend ) . i am bad in revisions i dont follow them regularly so laid down this rule .
also i do new set of quest/ day with pharma & from today planning on adding patho quest subjectwise atleast 10 . so all this should be done by sunday.
read pharma pulmonary & did 1 block of quest will do there explanations now.
i got alot of antimycobacterial drugs which i didnt expect .
@dr_row.. don't worry.. that's Nl . the UW 1st round take time but you will be ok for 2nd time and you can review that quickly ... don't think that way you are doing great..

@vena86..I'm studding physiology and slow reader.... but worry about tomorrow bc my guest will arrive..
@imgpak...I'm studding physiology and its my 1st round and my plan is 30 pages with video but I always behind my schedule.....

Good luck everybody
dont worry dear .. we are not computers .. or maybe the bytes are less .. i feel worse cos i ve wasted yrs in pracrice and then last 2 yrs wandering like a gypsy .. i wrote down all the drugs name s and their categories ,, first mugged them up ..then wrote it down big big letters .. and stuck it in some left over space around .. this memorisation really sucks .
u are doing good .. i write uw in a small circle .. kap for kap notes and wiki .. around the points i add in .. i dont write only educat obj .. sometimes i leave a lot and write the explanations if i find the explanations good . sometimes i feel like its ok if i didnt write in my FA .. maybe it ll make it faster for me to revise .. cos if i see my kap notes there are too many things i ve written .. that i ve to look aroing in that mess .. sometimes i felt i wrote of useless stuffs too .. and my FA is totally clean except pharm and biochem .. well i ve got no time left so i guess i ll have to keep flipping KN along in other subs ..
i find ur rev methods good .. i did it fot some time.. but now i lost it cos half the time i fall behind my schedule and i get so tensed that i forget to take that 10 qs test at the weekend ..
u are rt ..dont write too many stuff .. ya u really dont ve much time at the end .. anyawy better to write something than nothing at all