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done with 2nd vid...break

@vena: glad u like it..
@carpe: where had u been? hope your studying is goin well

i have recently started studying for steps and doing system wise...i hope its work!!!
finished cvs physio patho,pharma with uw !!!
ok starting lecture 3...with night shift Smile
@soohia,,thank u so much hun
@smc2002...welcome to our jounary ...good luck

@raw: up tonite as well. i had posted on sat. had some problems with my laptop...
u gonna take nbme 13?

@soohia: i dont think its "necessary" but i saw the sample lectures on their website & they r gr8. i'm gonna stick with goljan though...too late in the game to start something new. i haven't heard of offline pathoma anywhere!
@carpe: oh yeah nbme 13 bring it on!! lol but i'll take it at the end..still have 7,6,12 to go..
Hey guys nice to see all r studying well , didn't study much as my daughter was not leaving me . Went to a library near Kaplan center to ask if they will allow visitors as I heard it was only allowed for there cuny students . they said yes they will allow with Id , checked the library it was soo full have to come early & find a seat . But didn't study there today as my daughter won't leave me out of her sight so took her with me & left her in car with my mom & quickly came back . Will go tomorrow .
I somehow read bacteria & will stay for the night

@soohia I don't have any idea about that assessment but heard NBME r the only great predictors. But ur score in NBME is really good .. Keep it up !!

Happy studying all !!

@2177: i think u should take the impt. nbme's more than 10 days before ur exam so u will have time to go over them & work on ur weaknesses.

@mutation: i didnt know the answer so looked it up.

parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome: is assoc. with tularemia & cat scratch disease. not to be confused with

parinaud's syndrome: c/b compression/lesion of the s. colliculi (pinealoma), defective upward gaze of both eyes.

pinealoma- precocious puberty (inc B-hCG), parinaud syndrome, obstructive hydrocephalus
GN guys!!

@carpi. Sure , I will plan on taking it weeks before but in order to relieve phobia of NBME will first start with old NBME's