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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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today wont study much as i going a road trip ( for temple ) this weekend so have to pack . so wont be able to study much this weekend but will take my fa to read in btn
will try to check up here

happy studying all
good morning guys

iam starting now and only 5 day remains with patho ........

@2177 @raw @owl ,,how are u guys ...i hope u all good day ,,,i like to participate in those pharma q,. but i dint finish it and only i did 100 page of pharma and i left it ,,,i hate pharma ....
i bought a small flash card book of pharma i hope it can help me ........
finished only 7 pgs fm morn .. am so bad ..

vena , u can post path qs ..
owl ..ur better than some one like me i am just starting and its 11 am ..ok i will post u q ..during reading but i want to learn pharma badly ,,,iam very weak in it for now
i was very bad too in pharm .. still bad too .. thats why i m trying to improve .. dont worry when ur time comes u ll be a lot more confident than u r rt now ..
i lost one houre talking to my family........i didnt talk to them for long time so i missed them ....... will not interupt any more ................
hey guys how r u all doing ?
@vena i also read only half of pharma have another half tp read but of course i am different from u bcos i read like 2 times but i had breaks so i feel like overall i have an idea but need to memorize some stuff in some drugs that i dont remember like mao , side effect etc

@owl before pharma was really easy for me as i read it soo much using other websites etc but after forcefully trying to stick fa in my mind i am lost in a desert now but slowly getting out of it. tell me which part is difficult for u like remembering names r side effects etc . i will try to help u out

why is it that usres & carpidiem are occasional visitors ? if u guys are comfortable reading by urself thats ok but i just want to know how is ur prep thats all. best of luck to both u

i am packing & in btn memorizing drugs
guys i ve trying to mug up AD/AR/XR ds .. how do u guys do it .. i forget it after evry few ds and do a lot of qs wrong d/t that .
In so burned out guys.. Was thinking of takin up DIT.. Maybe it will help me memorize.. FA is givin me the creeps
@owl..for those genetics .i just do them and later u will memorize some of them and others not ,,the most common one alwys remembered but rare one not easy and do them many times and later leave ,,,,i will do it like that