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hey guys, how many quality hours r u all managing to put in in a day? i've heard of some ppl studying 12-14 hrs a day but i just cant seem to put in those long hours....i get way too exhausted
@carpediem,,,,,,,,one day i did long studing ,,,the next day i couldnt rais my head from my pillow ......its realy hard to do like that ,,,,,every day iam sitting about 9-10 houre but believe me ,,iam only studing only 5 houre for real .......and other time waste ,,,i dont know why i cant continue on studing ,,,,its realy hard ........
I can imagine how hard is for you but for sure it will be pay off..I wish u all the best.

I can study 10 to 12 hour one day but I should rest for whole weak!!!!!!! that"s really hard for me and i have problem with that.. recently I have problem with concentration...I've got self thinking and I enjoyed!!!!!!! if anybody know what we should do.. please help....

Happy studying........
hi every body
this is the first time i am putting message.actually today i am gonna study bio.i am very slow.i have 3 years old dauther and i have to take care her but i really enjoy doesnt matter it takes too much time to take exam but it is important to dont miss our life.(this is my father advise).i cant study long time in a day because if i do that tomorrow i feel tired.
this is long way we have to keep going but slow and during this way we can also enjoy.
anyway i am very happy to have all of you.good luck every body and remember the life is short and take it easy i am sure you can do it .
Done with 10 questions. 10 questions takes 2 hrs.

@carpediem I don't exactly know how many hours am I studying. I have to manage some house work with my studies too so any ways I can't study for 12 hrs. But I do know that I can study comfortably for 8 hrs and when ur exam gets closer one may extend it to 10 hrs. On an average I think I study 5-6 hrs which I know is pretty bad but that is it. But to get a good score guys I know we have to study for 10 good hours. That's wht everyone say who pass these exams so we are actually studying only half the time per day we should be studying. Feel bad about it
hi all done with 40 questions till now all day!!..
@step1 race: it takes me exactly the same time too!!but i recently started this trick to read 10 questions at one go and then quickly write down their reduces some time..i also have started to keep the timer in front of me to keep me under a little stress!! please keep updating

@carpediem: i just sit down at around 8-9 in morning...take brakes when im bored or wanna move around... and then just do as much as i can until my eyes can't take it no more...some days are good like today when i have all the concentration and some are bad when i do 20 questions all day cos either something was bothering me...somethin else was on my mind or i simply lacked the motivation!! so all in all it depends on your state of mind..
@taban: yes taking it easy is really important...or else you will be burned out happened to me 2 weeks ago..when i just pushed myself to the limit and the result was that i cudnt remember much...but i've also realized its also important not to go too will just not fulfill the motive!!

@vena: where did u reach today...did u start immuno or not??

@owlcity, cilastatin: wazzup?
@i am doing uw immuno with my studing of physio ,,,and iam almost at the end of both but i am little slow this days ,,,,,i did only 6 page with its vedio,,and i dint do any uw today
gn guys
@dr-raw and everyone

sorry i havent been updating .. i got so depressed on new yr .. i was trying to make myself happy .. so eve of 1st jan .. i lit up lots of canles in the room .. put on some nice songs and tried to make myself happy .. felt like i was not studying .. and at the same time not enjoying or celebrating either .. and that made me all the more depressed .. plus thinking that i still stuck with step one . having wasted 2 yrs .. felt that i didnt have anything nice as i looked back ..

so i decided to come back here only after i finished pharm .. i m almost done .. just wasted an hr and a half doing some research on anorexia .. but i guess i shd finish pharm by midnite .. want to start uw tom .. i have still 20 more pgs to go .. hope i can finish it today ..

vena .. keep going dear .. be persistent , thats wats important ..
@ dr_raw: thanks for answering my question about the UW questions, was helpful and motivating

@ owlcity: how long did it take u to go through pharm? i plan to start in in a few days after i am done with path/phys UW questions. i will be doing it after a long time, a year i think. any suggestions?

this thread is great... sometimes when i really hate to sit down and keep reading uw explanations, i come here to recharge my brain, and then im good to go again for some time. Smile GL everyone!!