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no i dont think there's any point in doing uwsa twice, u r using it as an assessment tool, if u've already seen the q's once before, ofcourse u'd get a better score.

nbme's 7, 11, 12 are good score predictors & ppl usually score lower on nbme 6 (may be tougher than the rest)

u can do UW again...most impt thing is to get the concepts behind each q
finished my micro tables and 100 q of UW today .. tired .. going to sleep ..
Hi guys good to see everyone is workin hard here Smile

I finished genetics yesterday and now quickly skimming thru biochem.. Should finish reading today
Just downloaded the free Kaplan qbank on my iPhone and loved it.. It helps a lot when ur out running errands or waiting for something.. Highly recommend for everyone who has a smartphone..

Enjoy studying guys Smile
@ dr-raw

HEY THATS A GREAT IDEA .. I UPLOADED GOLJAN on my ipod ,and listen to it every day when i go to gym everyday .. i m going to finish micro today .. plan was to start biochem today .. but i wasted some days this month .so gotta pay for it .. this my first rev .. and i gave 10 days to biochem . i feel like i m not so good at it .. how do u do it so fast .

anyway happy studying ..
@ dr raw great to see your doing it fast buddy. Its my 2nd read but i kinna dont remember a lot of stuff coz of which i take so much time to finish one subject. Wondering how can i increase my speed...
i finished micro yesterday and i will start immuno today. My plan is to finish immuno and then revise micro/immuno both with U world. ill be done with these two subjects till end. i hope so Tongue
Good luck everone
I finished kaplan patho... going to do goljan today
Yesterday ... I didnt do anything...
going to start again.....

sorry for being away guys. finished perineal anatomy, taking more time than any idiot possibly could Sad the picture is much clearer now (male perineal anatomy : does anyone else find it kind of confusing too? ) i had to draw diagrams from the scratch, because simply looking at the images, and reading kaplan didn't seem to help.
Started pharmac. revised only one chapter ..the first one..pharmacokinetics..filled with one day. and then the last two days, i was stuck in bed, with severe back pain Sad i wonder if others fall ill as frequently as i do Sad
hope to get back on track tomorrow onwards, it is late evening here.
@carpediem1, @meddoc27, @deepak2011, @jyothimbbs : are you guys on this thread?
hello every one

yesterday i did finished anti arrythmeics and today i will start with anti hypertensives

i hope i could finish atleast 2 chapter ...

they are very short chapter but it takes long time for me to finish them

i hope all we do the best
hi guys.. im doing biochem.. its taking lot of time..
just wonder is it worth wacthing videos????

can anyone tell is it must to watch anatomy videos?