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see this is where i lack..i was talking bout so screwed
after cheating on FA:

modafinil:used in treatment of narcolepsy

MOA: inhibits DA reuptake and stimulates Glutamate: so it is a stimulant!
i eat my lunch(my mother in low fried chicken and we eat it together
and it took only 20 mint and thats good......
@dr-raw....try to memorize things from know ,,if u did FA befor and u comfort with it ,,try to revise it again and again till u remember whereis all word located ,,,i am sure u will do fine
@owl modafinil it sounds familiar to sidafinil drug used in erectile dysfun (viagra) mao is nitric oxide release cGMP causing the smooth m relaxation increasing blood flow in corpos cavernosa in penis leading to erection. is this correct ??? pls let it be
omg !!! i am screwed !!!
@raw is that correct ??? on seeing the last words i thought different

ok now i will take bath & start i smell like a chicken
thanks owl..good question is ok...atleast we wont get it wrong on the test right?

this is a great idea..let's test each other every day!

what is the MOA and what class does it belong to...and where is it used..

comeon guys...just answer at a snap..

u r rt , its used in narcolepsy .. i read in the morn and i was like , i dont remem the MOA i looked up in google

like other stimulants, increases the release of monoamines, specifically the catecholamines norepinephrine and dopamine, from the synaptic terminals. However, modafinil also elevates hypothalamic histamine levels, leading some researchers to consider Modafinil a "wakefulness promoting agent" rather than a classic amphetamine-like stimulant.[9] Despite modafinil's histaminergic action, it still partially shares the actions of amphetamine-class stimulants due to its effects on norepinephrine and dopamine.

is it a tocolytic?

@2177: when i realized it was feb already, i got a bit stressed. didnt like seeing '2' in the date.
yah getting residency through hubby doesnt work for everyone. and somehow, i wud feel better knowing i got a residency on my own then thru sumone....but i know what u mean.
i agree with u there, my hubby definitely has alot more energy & concentration than me! i live near el paso, tx. yup was raised here.

happy wedding anniversary Smile our 1st anniversary is next month Smile i was hoping to have this exam done by then.